Fun Couponing Facts

* SEPTEMBER is Nation Coupon Month!
* Only 3% of coupons printed are actually used.
* Coupons from the Sunday paper include inserts from Smart Source, Red Plum, P&G and General Mills.
* Military based overseas can use all manufacturer coupons up to 6 months beyond the expiration date.
* Most stores will allow yo to use both a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon on the same items ... some restrictions apply.
* It is the words ... not the photo that designate what the coupon is for. The manufacturer will often include the most expensive item in the photo that is placed on the coupon. Read ALL the words on the coupons carefully ... including size specifications. Read the fine print.
* ALWAYS hand the checker the $$ Off Coupons first (example: $5 off $20) before other coupons to ensure that your order will be at the highest total and benefit you themost.
*  To maximize savings ... You can NOT be brand loyal! Have fun and try new things!
* Always check out the "Loss Leaders" ... They are sale items that the store prices super low and takes the biggest profit loss on.  This is a tactic used in hopes that you will come to the store to buy those items and end up spending more on higher priced items.  These items are typically found on the front page of the sale ad.